Monday, January 23, 2012

A great new buy!

Check out this new cook book I bought! I haven't made anything from it yet but I will let you know my 1 - 10 rank when I finally try it out. Best part about this is that it was only $8 at barnes and nobles. There is this one beef stir fry recipe, I may try it out tomorrow night! I hope all of you the best an I miss you guys!

Friday, January 20, 2012

So I went to the gym today...

And I decided to ride the bike so I could read more of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which for those of you who have not read, it an absolute must read. As a side story, I finally got to a part, half way through the book, where they finally start to deal with the entire premise of the book, at 28:30 minutes into my 30 minute work out - I'm like dying from the suspense now. Anyway, I burned much less calories than doing the elliptical, but I feel like I used different muscles and I might be sore tomorrow. I can't remember where I heard this, but I feel like I've heard that exercising different muscles actually makes you lose weight faster - something maybe about increasing your metabolism? Does anyone know if there's any truth to that? Because if there is, I might be convinced to alternate between the bike and the elliptical - and get to read my book as an added bonus!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Little Freak Out

Good Morning All!

I can't believe we're already starting our 3rd week!! Way to go guys. I kinda apologize to you all for freakin out a bit last night. Some of you were nicer about it than others, but whatever. I was just really hungry and disappointed in myself. Thank goodness it didn't cost me any pounds, so I'm a little calmer today. I guess no one liked my turkey breast idea?? It's such a low cal, yummy meat. And we could get a nice already made gravy to go along with it and easily be able to keep track of the calories. Maybe as a side those delicious roasted brussel sprouts?? Well, these were just some ideas. I hope everyone is still having a successful diet. Look forward to seeing you all again.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Turkey Burgers!

Sorry for the lack of posts, been trying to focus on my diet! For some reason, I was particularly hungry on Monday, but for the past few days I haven't been hungry at all. Probably because the weekend stretched out my stomach a bit, but I'm glad to be back on track.

Tonight I'll be making turkey burgers at 7 PM for anyone that is interested. Please let me know if you will be coming so I know if I have to buy more turkey meat. They're pretty good, of course not as good as a real burger, but it's so much healthier. I use a black bean and red onion puree to use as binding since there is little fat in turkey. Cilantro and a few southwest seasonings compose the rest of the dish. I'll also be baking some sweet potato fries, which are always a nice treat.

Turkey burger patty: >200 calories (close to 170 cals)
1/4 lb sweet potato fries: 110 calories

Don't forget to let me know if you're coming. Keep on working hard guys, we're doing great!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Positive Thoughts?

Has anyone else found this week to be easier than last? I don't know if its because I'm eating slightly more for breakfast, if its because I ate so much on Saturday, or if its just that I'm getting used to it (here's hoping its option 1 or option 3), but I feel significantly better this week. I haven't felt sick at the gym after the gym and I don't feel totally starving all day long. Anyone else agree?

Nom nom nom!!!

Those chicken nuggets were so freakin good!!! I ate a pretty modest breakfast and am now thinking i'm going to have a scooped out whole wheat everything bagel with turkey and mustard. Not too exciting but hopefully it will fulfill some carb needs and taste pleasures. Courtney and Liza are going to the strangers game tonight and brandon is going to be a faggot on his raid so i guess that leaves the jman high and dry. Til we meet again...

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Week, New Place.

I'm packing right now which is keeping my mind off of food which is great! I'm nervous about my eating habits when I get back to Colorado. I feel like this week will be a struggle because Derek and Julian are coming to Colorado tomorrow and it is going to be difficult sticking to my eating habits with them around... then again, I will be snowboarding for 4 or 5 days straight, which will be some great exercise! When school starts I feel like I will finally be able to get into a routine and that way I can regularly exercise and have my eating schedule all figured out. I also spoke to my closest friends and school and they are all trying to eat better and lose weight also! So we decided to dedicate at least one day a week to cooking healthy together! At least I will have some sort of support system out there because not having you guys around is going to be really really difficult.

Woo Hoo! 12 weeks and 2 days to Mexico! -- My Motivation!!!